map with bays named


The District has received numerous grants from the WDNR for conducting lake studies, implementing lake protection management programs and managing invasive species. The following summaries the grant history to date:

Grant type Lake Planning - large scale
Grant number LPL-063 (5006-1)  
Grant amount $9,825.00
Grant name Little St. Germain Lake Water Quality Monitoring  
Project description
Water quality monitoring by U.S. Geological Survey for 1991 through 1994. Three sites will be monitored. The west and south bays will be sampled as described in the appliation. The northeastern bay will be sampled 1.5 ft. below the surface in April,June, July, and August, and analyzed for total phosphorus and chlorophyll a. In addition, water clarity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and specific conductance readings will be taken. All data will be published annually in 'Water Resources Data forWisconsin' by the USGS. A final report summarizing the data will be prepared in 1994 and a formal presentation will be made by USGS at a public meeting. USGS is providing matching funds. Project results will be distributed by newsletter mailings,entire report mailings, and public meetings. The project results will be reposited at the Town of St. Germain Community Building, St. Germain, WI 54558.

Start Date: 

April 8, 1991

Grant type Lake Planning - large scale  
Grant number LPL-1014-05     
Grant amount $9,562.50
Grant name Sediment Phosphorus Evaluation  
Project description
The Little St. Germain Protection & Rehabilitation District will conduct a sediment phosphorus evaluation project. 18 sediment cores and overlying water will be collected from six lake stations in Little Saint Germain Lake to determine the internal phosphorus loading from sediments under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The State Lab of Hygiene will conduct sediment core incubation techniques on the cores to determine sediment phosphorus flux. This project is cost shared with the USGS who will put the internal phosphorus release results into the larger context of their phosphorus estimates for the Little Saint Germain inflow from Muskellunge Creek, nearshore areas, groundwater, and precipitation to make a final report on phosphorus loading to Little St. Germain Lake. A consultant will incorporate the new data into the existing Phosphorus Removal Study (LPT-153-01), and update recommendations as necessary.Products: 1) Cores collected. 2) Sediment phosphorus flux analyzed by SLOH. 3) Final report by USGS on phosphorus loading to Little St. Germain Lake. 4) Updated Final Report incorporated into LPT-153-01 project report.The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper copy and an electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by newsletter(s), public meeting(s), and local newspaper articles

Start Date: 

April 1, 2005  
Grant type Lake Planning - large scale  
Grant number LPL-380     
Grant amount $10,000
Grant name Little St. Germain Lake Water Quality Monitoring & Analysis  
Project description
The Little St. Germain Protection and Rehabilitation District proposes to address questions raised by past monitoring efforts pertaining to the continuing poor water quality in Northeast and South Bays, the extent of winter anoxia, and the relationship between fluctuating water levels and water quality. Project activites include 1) estimate the annual total phosphorus load from Muskellunge Creek, resulting in a data summary and load calculation; 2) water quality monitoring at 3 sites for trophic and field parameters, resulting in a data summary; 3) determining the extent of winter anoxia, resulting in a data summary; and 4) relating water level fluctuations to lake water quality, resulting in a report summarizing data and analyzing the relationship. The sponsor will prepare a final report of the project and provide the Department with a paper copy and electronic copy of the report. The sponsor will disseminate information about the project results to the public by newsletter, public meeting, summary report mailing, and local newspaper article.

Start Date: 

Feruary 28, 1996  
Grant type Lake Planning - large scale  
Grant number LPL-603     
Grant amount $10,000
Grant name

Little St. Germain-Phase 1

Project description

Define, more thoroughly, dissolved oxygen and phosphorus concentrations in Muskellunge Creek to evaluate possible enhancement of oxygen concentration by artificial aeration and removal of phosphorus from the creek discharge to the lake. Monitor lake water quality and evaluate lake water quality in relation to phosphorus loading fomr Muskellunge Creek. Indentify and analyze annual loading to Little St. Germain Lake from the entire watershed, including septic systems, atmospheric & other land uses. Interpret existing and new data and compile data into a summary report.Results will be distributed via fact sheets, public meetings, and summary report mailing.Project deliverables include a phase one final report including compilation and analysis of existing and new data.

Start Date: April 1, 1999  


Grant type Lake Planning - large scale  
Grant number LPL-604     
Grant amount $10,000
Grant name Little St. Germain-Phase 2  
Project description
This project builds upon the extensive lake research and analysis completed by the U.S.G.S. and the Little St. Germain Lake P&R District final report - phase I Lake Study. Phase II will make recommendations considering a variety of alternatives and evaluate them based upon capital and operating cost, saftey, efficiency and risk. Comprehensive lake management recommendations will be developed based on results of the lake study in Phase I .Project deliverables include a final report detailing remediation and comprehensive lake management recommendations.

Start Date: 

April 1, 1999  
Grant type Lake Protection  
Grant number LPT-153-01    
Grant amount $200,000
Grant name

Little St. Germain Lake Aeration & Phosphorus Removal Engineering

Project description

The Little St. Germain Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a project involving the installation of two lake aerators for improvement of the winter lake dissolved oxygen levels, development of a preliminary engineering work scope for reduction of phosphorus loading to Little St. Germain Lake, and monitoring of inlake water chemistry, Muskellunge Creek monitoring, and groungwater monitoring to be conducted by the USGS.Project deliverables for this grant project will be: USGS report including data from the continued trend monitoring, phosphorus loading data from Muskellunge Creek, sources of phosphorus to Muskellunge Creek, groundwater phosphorus contribution, pre and post aeration system installation oxygen monitoring, an updated lake water and phosphorus budget, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the aeration system.A final report from Foth &Van Dyke will include a feasibility study for reduction of the phosphorus loading to Little St. Germain, preliminary engineering of chemical phosphorus removal and cost projections.Specific conditions for this project include:* The installation of all stream gauging stations and lake aeration equipment must receive the approval and/or permit from the Department of Natural Resources water regulation section.The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with electronic and paper copies of the final report of this project.


Start Date: 

September 1, 2000  
Grant type Aquatic Invasive Species - control  
Grant number ALPT-008-04    
Grant amount $120,000
Grant name

Exotic Aquatic Species Control Project

Project description

The Little St. Germain Lake P&R District is sponsoring a grant to monitor and control the population of aquatic exotic species in the lake. This project implements recommendations contained in the recently completed five-year exotic aquatic species managment plan. Key components for this project include: maintain a monitoring & documentation program; annual treatment & control of exotic species; monitor for invasion of new exotic species; community education & awareness program and public announcments of progress and findings.Multiple aquatic plant surveys will be conducted through out each year. Survey reports will be developed including a complete species list, maps displaying locations, tables listing species & associated data for each sample point, narrative explaining survey finding's, unique conditions, differences between current and past surveys, and guidance concerning treatment areas.A final project report will be developed for this project including the reports described above and findings of the project as a whole.


Start Date: 

May 1, 2004  


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